As a Gold Accredited Healthy Venue, the health and wellbeing of everyone that visits The CCD is a priority of ours. We believe that running healthy conferences and events lead to happier, more energised and engaged delegates.

We have a number of resources on our website on our healthy catering options, as well as ways of staying active when hosting or attending conferences and events:

Healthy Hospitality
Active Travel
Walking and Running Routes
Local Sporting Activities

If you can’t get out and about during your time in Dublin, there are plenty of ways you can incorporate some activity into your daily routine. Why not make the most of The CCD’s six floors and trade the elevator for the stairs when moving between rooms? According to there are several health benefits from choosing to take the stairs every day including strengthening your heart and lungs, and improving bone, muscles and joint function. Not to mention burning extra calories!

Sitting all day can lead to aches and pains, and loss of strength and flexibility. It’s therefore important to take regular breaks to stretch and move your body. The Irish Health Service (the HSE) desk stretches pdf outlines some simple stretches you can do at your desk every 30 minutes to improve your physical health. The HSE also offers some great additional advice on how to incorporate fitness into your lifestyle.

Our team also have a wealth of knowledge on ways to make conferences and events healthier for attendees. Watch our video of the ‘Top Tips for Healthy Conferences’ below.

“The CCD, being one of Europe’s most environmentally friendly venues, was a perfect match for SETAC Europe, supporting SETAC’s mission to strive towards organising events in a way that minimises potential impact on the environment.

With The CCD’s recent upgrade to a Gold Healthy Venue accreditation, their committed sustainability efforts and SETAC Europe’s consistent environmental focus, we’re certain the SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting in May 2023 will form the basis for sustainable events in the future.”
Barbara Koelman, Officer – Events, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry-Europe